=> 2 Release

With Bugzilla installed, I have been looking into several addons and extensions available for Bugzilla. While you can find a list on the official MozillaWiki, below is a list of client side addons that could be useful or just simply interesting.

Bug Shooting: A quick method to grab a screenshot and attach it to a Bugzilla bug. Sometimes a single screen capture can be more helpful than a block of text.

Auto Complete: Bugzilla 4.0+ adds this functionally by default, but older versions can also enjoy the convenience of auto complete.

Bugzilla Assignee List: Allows a list of users for possible assignee components.

HiddenNameAndMail: maps a dummy email/username to user’s email accounts.

InLine History: view bug activity inline with comments when looking at bugs. This extension requires version 4.0+.

MultipleEditNoEmail: Provides a check box to prevent mail being sent out to users for minor updates.

profanivore: Replaces any profanity with (*****). Could possibly use this to block Ads as well.

Bugzilla site map: Allows search engine spiders to crawl the site. Only public information (information available to logged out users) viewed.

TraceParser: Formats stack tracers that are pasted into comments, formatting them to easy reading. It will also check for duplicate stack traces, and allows uers to find simlilar stack traces.

The installation of an extension is rather simple, and below you will find a instructions on how to successfully complete some that may be implemented on the Pidora Bugzilla. There are some screen shots, so feel free to comment on what you think; if you think it will be helpful or make things awkward to use. Or if you feel an extension should be included.

I feel that allowing search engine spiders to go through the public face of the site is important, as it will allow users to search for possible solutions to bugs through popular search engines. I will go through the steps to install bugzilla-sitemap. The only differences is in the method to download the extension.

The more popular ones you can simply click on the download link, but others are on version control systems. For example, to grab the AutoComplete, you will need mercurial. You can yum install mercurial if you do not have the package installed, and grab the folder and files with the following command:
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/domruf/bugzillaautocomplete

Other types of CVS (Concurrent Version System) are used depending on the extension.
Bugzilla Assignee List (Subversion): svn checkout http://bugzilla-assignee-list.googlecode.com/svn/trunk bugzilla-assignee-list

Provanivore (Bazaar): bzr branch http://bzr.mozilla.org/bugzilla/extensions/profanivore/trunk

Bugzilla Sitemap
Download the tarball for this extension:
wget http://bugzilla-sitemap.googlecode.com/files/Sitemap-1.0.tar.gz

Untar the tarball and move the created directory “Sitemap” to the extension folder of Bugzilla:
tar xzvf Sitemap-1.0.tar.gz
mv Sitemap /usr/share/bugzilla/extensions/

Install the module — this will take some time:
/usr/share/bugzilla/install-module.pl Search::Sitemap

Once that process is complete, run the following to rebuilt templates:

The above command no only recomplies the templates, it fixes any file permission issues (usually from mv command), and it contacts Yahoo!, Google and Ask to notify those search engines about the Bugzilla site. Below is the output generated once the installation is complete

Removing existing compiled templates...
Precompiling templates...done.
Fixing file permissions...
Pinging search engines to let them know about our sitemap:
Submitting http://localhost/bugzilla/page.cgi?id=sitemap/sitemap.xml to Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Yahoo=HASH(0x729d0f0) failed: 403 Forbidden
Submitting http://localhost/bugzilla/page.cgi?id=sitemap/sitemap.xml to Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Google=HASH(0x72983e0) failed: 400 Bad Request
Google: FAILED
Submitting http://localhost/bugzilla/page.cgi?id=sitemap/sitemap.xml to Search::Sitemap::Pinger::Ask=HASH(0x74066f0) failed: 500 Can't connect to submissions.ask.com:80 (Bad hostname 'submissions.ask.com')
Live: OK
There were some failures while submitting the sitemap to certain search
engines. If you wait a few minutes and run checksetup again, we will
attempt to submit your sitemap again.

In this case, being in a test environment, we received fail messages. Having our bugs indexed by popular search engines could save Pidora users some headache, and possibly bring more into the community.

If there are any extensions you are interested in and want me to go over the installation, leave a comment and I will see about putting up a guide specific for that extension.

-Richard K.
My 0.2 release.

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  1. Point 3 Release | professorplumpi - December 15, 2013

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